Lothian Green Social Prescribing Forum Report
A Matter of Life and Death: Explaining the Wider Determinants of Health in the UK
The Health Foundation commissioned FrameWorks to examine how people think about their
health, and the health of others, and based on this, recommend how we can frame health
communications to tell a more powerful story. A story which increases understanding of the
role of the wider determinants of health and builds support for the policies needed to reduce
health inequalities and improve health across the country.
This report is for anyone working and communicating in the field of public health, whether
they are speaking to a public, political, or expert audience.
BHealthy Together are Recruiting
Role: Community Development Worker. Are you looking to make a difference? B healthy together has an exciting opportunity to join our small, dynamic, grassroots charity. We provide activities, in response
ECHF is Recruiting
Forum Development Worker Full details here on Goodmoves The Role We are seeking an individual with excellent communication, IT and organisational skills to join the Forum. Working alongside the Strategic
ECHF 19/20 Annual Report and Accounts
Thank you to our funders, board of trustees, independent examiner and of course our membership for making 2019/20 a fantastic year for the forum. ECHF Annual Report
The Edinburgh Pact
The Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership, responsible for delivering community and bed-based health and social care services for adults in Edinburgh, want to build thriving communities in Edinburgh and
Public Health Scotland – Diet, Physical Activity & Healthy Weight COVID-19 Key Messages
The Diet, Physical Activity and Healthy Weight Team at Public Health Scotland (PHS) have been developing key messages to support the public during the COVID-19 restrictions.