Established over 20 years ago, the Edinburgh Community Health Forum (formally Lothian Community Health Initiatives’ Forum (LCHIF) is a membership organisation and registered SCIO (SC023808).
Its primary aim is to be a voice and network for organisations who work to reduce health inequalities and improve long-term health outcomes in Edinburgh.
Our members share a common ideal that it is people in their own communities who are best placed to collectively improve their own health and well being and live better lives.
We support members by providing opportunities to meet, exchange best practice and information and to learn together. We engage with and respond to local and national policies, strategies and consultations. We also work in partnership at strategic levels to reduce health inequalities. We believe that the needs of local people in communities are ultimately what ought to drive agendas at all levels. The forum and its members looks to respond to demographic changes within Edinburgh communities and build the capacity of the voluntary health sector. We seek to facilitate community participation, collective action, and collaborative working between key stakeholders including the Third sector, NHS Lothian and Edinburgh City Council.
Our members
Our membership spreads across the whole city and between us have various resources and skills we can share. Click on each member to find out more.

B Healthy Together
We aim to improve the health and wellbeing of the communities of Broomhouse, Sighthill and Parkhead, recognised areas of deprivation in SW Edinburgh by:
- Providing access to affordable food at our volunteer–run fruit and veg shop, open weekday mornings – and enabling local volunteering opportunities.
- Running free cooking and exercise sessions including buggygym, aerobics, chair exercise, a walking group, weaning sessions and health drop-ins.
- None

A charity providing information, support, learning opportunities and breaks from caring to unpaid carers.
Facilities:- Small Meeting Room
- Large Meeting Room
- Training Room
- Library

Carr Gomm
We are a national social care charity working across most of Scotland providing person-centred support to vulnerable people. We also have a community development aspect to our work and our Link Working projects in Edinburgh are part of the LCHIF.
Facilities:- Large Meeting Room
- Training Room

Dr Bell’s Family Centre
Supporting families in Leith to thrive, feel safe, healthy and supported. We strive to be a one stop shop where familes can get what they need under one roof and to ensure that the services provided locally are the ones that are needed.
Facilities:- Small Meeting Room
- Creche
- Cafe

Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust (ELGT)
The Trust usually works for, or in partnership with, other organisations. It delivers or manages an extensive rolling programme of practical projects and events ranging from park regeneration and woodland planting to community learning workshops and innovative programmes to deliver health and well-being benefits.
Facilities:- Large Meeting Room
- Training Room

Edinburgh Community Food
We are a charity and social enterprise and provide a range of services and activities promoting healthy eating and tackle health inequalities across the city particularly with people in low income communities. The development work includes support work to enable other organisations to engage in food and health work, cooking and nutrition courses, accredited training, healthy lifestyle projects and increasing opportunities to access affordable healthy food. The social enterprise sells and delivers fruit and vegetables to businesses and individuals and also operates fruit and vegetable stalls at Edinburgh hospitals. re a charity and social enterprise and provide a range of services and activities promoting healthy eating and tackle health inequalities across the city particularly with people in low income communities. The development work includes support work to enable other organisations to engage in food and health work, cooking and nutrition courses, accredited training, healthy lifestyle projects and increasing opportunities to access affordable healthy food. The social enterprise sells and delivers fruit and vegetables to businesses and individuals and also operates fruit and vegetable stalls at Edinburgh hospitals.
Facilities:- None

Edinburgh Headway Group
Edinburgh Headway Group aims to empower and enrich the lives of adults who have survived an acquired brain injury. We do this by providing high quality person-centred rehabilitation services which support both adults with brain injuries and their carers.
Facilities:- Small Meeting Room
- Large Meeting Room
- Training Room
- Gym

Feniks is a grass-roots charitable organisation set-up in 2007 to support Central Eastern European community in Edinburgh and Scotland. We provide culturally sensitive psychological support (therapy, group therapy and self-development workshops), cultural awareness trainings and community development projects, such as Conversation Cafés and Mother and Toddler Group. We are trying to address health inequalities faced by CEE immigrants in Scotland and tackle mental health stigma and discrimination
Facilities:- Small Meeting Room
- Large Meeting Room
- Training Room
- Office Space / Desk

Fresh Start
Fresh Start is an Edinburgh based charity helping people who have been homeless get established in their new home. Working in partnership with volunteers and organisations from a broad section of the community, we deliver a range of services that provide the practical and social support that help people resettle successfully.
Facilities:- None

Health All Round
A charity that aims to improve health and wellbeing of our local community and contribute to the reduction of health inequalities in Edinburgh.
Facilities:- Small Meeting Room

Health in Mind
Health in Mind is a charity promoting mental health and wellbeing in and around Edinburgh, the Lothians and Scottish Borders. We do this through delivering a wide range of services and working in partnership with others.
LGBT Health
LGBT Health promotes the health, wellbeing and equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Scotland. We are a unique community development organisation focused on reducing the health inequalities experienced by this community of interest. We provide a range of support services, as well as working to raise awareness of the experiences and needs of LGBT people.
Facilities:- Small Meeting Room
- Large Meeting Room
- Training Room

Nari Kallyan Shangho (NKS)
The primary aim of NKS is to alleviate deprivation and isolation experienced by South Asian women and their families living in Edinburgh and to promote positive health and well-being among them. Our role is to make South Asian women active citizens living in Scottish society by engaging them in various activities at NKS and by supporting them to access mainly mainstream services of interest to them in Edinburgh. We believe that South Asian communities are disadvantaged and marginalised that leads to social exclusion. NKS aims to provide a range of services that would help to work towards social inclusion of South Asian women and children.
Facilities:- Creche
- Library
- 1

One Parent Family Scotland
We aim to encourage and enable parents across Scotland to make the most of the opportunities available to them so they can flourish as happy, healthy and achieving families
Facilities:- None

Pilmeny Development Project
Supporting local residents in the Lorne area of Leith for 25 years.
Facilities:- Small Meeting Room

Pilton Community Health Project
Community Health Project based in North West Edinburgh; seeking to tackle issues relating to Health Inequalities using a community development approach. Various activities.
Facilities:- Small Meeting Room
- Large Meeting Room
- Creche

Pilton Equalities Project
PEP provides essential services for older and other vulnerable adults in North Edinburgh, supporting Mental Health; Community Transport and Lifelong Learning.
Facilities:- None

Space is here to provide personal, social and community development opportunities for disadvantaged groups in the areas of Health/Community Care, Education/Training, Social Inclusion/Outreach Activities; the community we serve is the South West Neighbourhood Partnership area
Facilities:- None

Streetfit Scotland
We deliver a holistic health, fitness and well-being programme for people affected or experiencing homelessness, welcoming anyone who is living in homeless hostels, temporary accommodation, bed and breakfast or vulnerably housed. We aim to reduce social isolation, improve mental health as well as address long-term physical health needs. Our programme offers a variety of workshops that are around peer support, group work, diet nutrition, confidence building and raising self esteem.
Facilities:- Small Meeting Room
- Office Space / Desk
- Gym

The Junction
A Young Persons Health and Wellbeing Service, providing a range of support for 12-21 year olds. We have a holistic model and work with what young people bring to us. This includes support around sexual health, emotional wellbeing, mental and physical health.
Facilities:- Training Room
- Library

The Ripple Project
Community led organisation, improving the quality of life for all ages by helping people to help themselves.
Facilities:- Small Meeting Room
- Large Meeting Room
- Cafe

The Welcoming
We support migrants and refugees in Edinburgh, offering a wide range of classes and activities to help people achieve their potential. We also provide volunteering opportunities for local people who are keen to welcome and support newcomers.
Facilities:- None

Thistle Foundation
Thistle Foundation is a health and wellbeing charity that supports people living with long-term conditions across Scotland to live the life they want.
Facilities:- Small Meeting Room
- Large Meeting Room
- Training Room
- Office Space / Desk
- Gym

Volunteer Edinburgh
Information on and support with volunteering and volunteering opportunities in Edinburgh.
Facilities:- Small Meeting Room
- Training Room
- Office Space / Desk

Wester Hailes Health Agency
The Health Agency is a community led organisation. We address local health inequalites by working to improve the life circumstances that cause poor health in the Community.
Facilities:- Small Meeting Room
- Large Meeting Room
- Training Room
B Healthy Together
Caring in Craigmillar
Carr Gomm
Community Renewal
Currie Day Centre
Dr Bell’s Family Centre
Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust (ELGT)
Edinburgh Community Food
Edinburgh Headway Group
Four Square
Fresh Start
Harlaw Monday Group
Health All Round
Health in Mind
LGBT Health
Lifecare Edinburgh
Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living
Murrayfield Dementia Project
Nari Kallyan Shangho (NKS)
One Parent Family Scotland
Pilmeny Development Project
Pilton Community Health Project
Pilton Equalities Project
Streetfit Scotland
The Beacon Club
The Junction
The Ripple Project
The Welcoming
Thistle Foundation
Vintage Vibes
Volunteer Edinburgh
Wester Hailes Health Agency

Forum team
The forum has two part time staff, a voluntary chairperson and trustees from our organisations. Feel free to get in touch if you would like to find out more.
Stephanie-Anne Harris
Strategic Development Manager
Stephanie-Anne has been the manager of the forum since 1st April 2017. This is her first post in the voluntary sector having previously worked in local government for almost 30 years with posts in the former Clydesdale District Council, Dunfermline District Council, Fife Council and the City of Edinburgh Council.
Her career in local government was mainly in sport, leisure and culture, with highlights including responsibility for the £37m refurbishment of the Royal Commonwealth Pool, the awarding of the freedom of the City of Edinburgh to Sir Chris Hoy, the winning of the bid for the National Performance Centre for Sport (Oriam) at Heriot Watt university, and the staging of many sporting and other events including the World Duathlon Championships, the Olympic Torch event at Edinburgh Castle, and the Hogmanay Street party. Stephanie-Anne was a member of the Scottish Government’s Physical Activity Task Force which developed and wrote Scotland’s first Physical Activity Strategy. Stephanie-Anne still remains passionate about getting people active enough for their health and the positive impact being active can have on one’s mental and physical health. Stephanie-Anne believes that everyone must take responsibility for their own health which can be supported through the work of local community led organisations with whom she now works to support and develop.
Daniel Richards
Member and Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator
Daniel has just joined us at the ECHF and looks forward to meeting with all our partners, members and involving himself in
the wider community. In his spare time Daniel is a keen archer, competing with his old university team. He is also an avid
gamer and enjoys video editing and reading.
Daniel has a degree in Psychology from Edinburgh Napier. He has experience in the third sector primarily working with The Turing Trust as an IT technician. He has also volunteered with several organisations in Edinburgh Including Thistle, Carr Gomm and most recently The Rivers Centre.
He is very passionate about health and inequalities and looks forward to collaborating with the organisations involved in the ECHF to help tackle these problems.
Cat Windle
I have been a member of the Forum since 2002 when I became Manager of Health All Round (HAR.) HAR is a Community Health Initiative based in Gorgie Dalry and we provide a range of services to improve the health and wellbeing of people living in our local area.
HAR is the third charity that I have managed and the first one that isn’t specifically for people with severe and enduring mental health issues. I had a lot to learn when I started the job and the Forum was a great help to me. The other managers I met there helped me understand the statutory funding streams for health inequalities, which can be quite confusing, and it is via the Forum that we are able to develop relationships, communicate and work alongside statutory funders. The Forum is also great for peer support which is helpful for me and the HAR Management Committee (if I am supported, they are supported!) I couldn’t do without the Forum, it’s the first option for me if I have any problems relating to the management or funding of HAR. On a personal note – I’ve made some great friends there too!
Charlie Cumming
Charlie became the Chief Executive of the Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust in August 2014, following 11 years as the Trust’s Projects Manager. Charlie leads a committed and dynamic team at a strategic level to help the Trust focus on its core principles of delivering environmental and landscape improvements and of promoting outdoor activities for good mental and physical health that address both social and health inequalities.
ELGT lead initiatives such as the delivery of green active travel routes, community gardening and finding new ways to engage with local communities to get the most out of their local woodlands and greenspaces. ELGT is a key delivery body for the implementation of the Central Scotland Green Network in the East of Scotland. The CSGN is a national development aiming to transform Central Scotland into a place where the environment adds value to the economy and where people’s lives are enriched by its quality. As part of the Forum, Charlie values the space to share his organisation’s experience in engaging local communities and for the collaborative working opportunites and funding it provides.
Marion Findlay
Marion Findlay has been a member of the Forum for many years and in 2019 we were delighted to welcome her onto the board of trustees help guide the strategic vision of the Forum. Marion is a leader at Volunteer Edinburgh and is an inspiring member of the forum!
Director of Services at Volunteer Edinburgh, Marion brings a wealth of experience to the role; particularly in the areas of volunteering, employability, adult protection and work and health.
Brenda Black
I have been a member of the forum since 2019 when I became the CEO of
Edinburgh Community Food (ECF).
Our work at Edinburgh Community Food is all about tackling health inequalities,
helping people enjoy delicious, fresh, healthy food and making sure everyone in our
city has access to an affordable, appropriate, and nourishing diet. We work in
partnership with many of ECHF members to reach and support the most
disadvantaged and fragile communities.
As Chair of the Edible Edinburgh Health Group, a founding director of Glasgow
Community Food Network and a state Registered Dietitian I am fully immersed in all
aspects of food. I sit on Scottish Government and City of Edinburgh council Food
Networks and advisory boards to develop new equitable sustainable food systems.
My experience and knowledge of supporting nutritionally vulnerable groups includes
working with those experiencing homelessness, poverty, and inequality, and those
with issues around substance misuse. Prior to this I worked in the commercial sector
for 25 years and am a member of Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
Becoming a member of ECHF has allowed the growth of strong connections and
partnerships to tackle health inequalities across Edinburgh. The openness and
support from the partnership is a source of strength and energy especially when the
complexities of the COVID pandemic hit in early 2020. There is a real wealth of
experience and willingness to support each other that makes me feel proud to be
part of the Edinburgh Community Health Forum.
John Haliday
John was an active forum member for several years before becoming a Trustee in 2023.
He is CEO of Community Renewal Trust which is a charity group seeking to rethink how Scotland can end persistent poverty and inequity. In two Edinburgh neighbourhoods this is demonstrated combining community development with holistic one-to-one support. Another place-based programme he leads has now become the national community development trust for Roma in Scotland: Community Renewal Rom Romeha. John is Chair and Co-Founder of Caledonia Funeral Aid as well as a trustee with Senscot and startup social enterprise Bottles For Good. He also delivers consultancy in community engagement, visioning, system-change and action learning. Within campaigning to end poverty, John has particular interest in system-change in early-intervention, commissioning in complexity and unlocking strategic added value in network/partnership development.
Ryan Lytwyn
I have worked at the Pilton Equalities Project (PEP) since 2016 in a variety of roles
including Community Navigator, Daycare and Mental Health Development Worker,
Health and Safety Officer, and Operations Coordinator. PEP is a charity based in
North Edinburgh, providing essential services for older and other vulnerable adults
such as older people's lunch clubs and mental health support groups. We are also
the community transport provider for North-West Edinburgh.
I joined the Forum in 2021 as part of my role as PEP’s Operations Coordinator. The
Forum was instrumental in providing support and guidance with a wide range of
issues, including funding applications, collaborative working, and connecting with
statutory partners. The Forum has been a safe and supportive space in which to hear
from third sector leaders, keep up to date with changes to health and social care in
Edinburgh, and get advice from colleagues who have a huge wealth of experience.
I have a keen interest in health inequalities and have worked with older and other
vulnerable adults for the last 7 years throughout North Edinburgh. I’m looking
forward to bringing this background to the Forum as a new Trustee.
Vacancy – Trustees
In late 2018 we updated our constitution to allow for additional trustees to join our board. We currently have up to two spaces. Please contact in the first instance if you are interested.