Invitation from Penny Richardson (Formally Pilton Community Health Project)
Assessing impact is an important part of NHS Lothian’s decision making process and an IIA is a mechanism which enables the needs of different groups to be considered. NHS Lothian are committed to 3 core objectives in relation to equality and rights:
- To plan services and policies which promote equality of opportunity; eliminate discrimination and harassment; and promote good relations between those with protected characteristics and those with none
- To address broader inequalities. This means we want to ensure that policies meet the needs of all people including children and young people , especially those from population groups that are known to have poorer outcomes
- To identify and address wider impacts on poverty, health and health inequalities in our policies, plans and strategies. For example employment, education, transport, the built environment, purchasing policies, public safety, waste disposal all have wider impacts on people’s health, wellbeing and life experience.”
The session will critically consider the possible impacts of the Cancer Centre Re-provision on different groups in the community ( both positively and negatively). Following this the group will discuss and agree a summary of the positive and negative impacts identified and recommendations which will be included within a detailed action plan and built into the implementation of the Cancer Centre re-design proposal.
Anyone interested can click the link below to the web page where they can sign up.: