In June 2020, Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership embarked upon a series of conversations with people living and working in Edinburgh to get a better understanding of what health and care means to them and what impact Covid-19 has had on their lives.
Many people responded either through attending focus groups, facilitated meetings, through our public survey, or our “Picturing Health” programme using images to describe what health means or through 1 to 1 interviews. From all the conversations to date we identified 6 emerging themes:
- Shared Purpose – building on shared values and understanding
- Relationships – building on our collective experiences and valuing difference
- Community Mobilisation – listening more to and learning more from our communities
- Agility – responding quickly; shifting power; frontline decision making
- Radical Transformation – enacting big ideas such as anchor organisations; community wealth and the 20-minute neighbourhood
- Measuring and evidencing change – fostering a learning culture; continuous improvement; using different approaches to demonstrate impact
As we continue with our ongoing conversations these themes may develop further and we may identify new themes. But what is really important is that we now move forward into more action planning and doing.
In Edinburgh we have a vibrant and diverse 3rd sector, world leading academic establishment. community activities and civic leaders and committed public services – together we want to reshape how we think about health and social care, how we support one another and work together and how we will deliver support and care across the city in a sustainable and joined up way. In December, under our Community Mobilisation theme, we began two new data driven programmes with the University of Edinburgh. We would now like to invite you to a discussion on radical transformation where we will be talking and developing ideas for health and social care anchor using a number of concepts such as anchor organisations; community wealth and the 20-minute neighbourhood as touch points. Materials will be shared in advance of the workshop with additional background about these concepts.
We hope you can join us on:
Date Wednesday 27 January 2021
Time 10.00 am to 2.00 pm
Platform: MS Teams
To register: email Sophie Milner at
Closing date: 22 January 2021
Dr Linda Irvine Fitzpatrick, Senior Responsible Officer, Edinburgh Pact – formulation and enactment.