On Friday 15th March 2019, I attended the IJB’s Strategic Planning Group Meeting. This was the Group’s first meeting of 2019 and its first meeting since the grants were approved by the IJB in December.
The main agenda item was to be a discussion on the draft of a new Strategic Plan for 2019-2022, as the IJB at its meeting on 8 February 2019 had ‘directed’ that more time be given to the development of the draft in light of the emerging budgetary pressures and the IJB’s acceptance of the Chief Officer’s Transformational proposal (here’s the link to this:http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/meetings/meeting/4639/edinburgh_integration_joint_board item 5.4)
Before taking about the draft strategic Plan, I managed to raise a few issues in relation to the new grants programme:
1. The urgent need for a monitoring and evaluation framework that is co-produced with the 3rdsector
2. The establishment of an ongoing Grants Forum (or something similar) where issues and future programmes can be discussed and
3. The £200k approved by the Council (important to note that this is not the IJB) to help organisations adversely affected by the IJB grants programme.
There was general agreement with my points 1 and 2; in relation to point no 3,to date there has been no discussion between the Council and the IJB on the £200k and how this might be progressed. It is anticipated that a report on this monies will be presented to the Council’s Corporate Policy and StrategyCommittee but its next meeting is not until 14 May so we will have to watch out for this and any other developments.
Back to the draft of the strategic Plan for 2019-2022….the next version will be publicly available on Friday 22nd march when the papers for the IJB meeting to be held non 29th march are published so look out for these on the Council’s website. The plan will be focusing on using ‘the three conversations model’ so I suggest getting up to speed with this as a way of working is appropriate.
Here’s useful links:http://partners4change.co.uk and https://www.scie.org.uk/future-of-care/asset-based-places/case-studies/three-conversations. The IJB has commissioned Partners 4Change to work with them in delivering this approach. In my view, I think the draft I have seen was too detailed, didn’t really capture a clear vision for the future nor did it articulate the role and impact of the 3rd sector and it didn’t give a any sense of the actions that would now be taken. However, I am optimistic that following the Strategic Planning Group Meeting, the feedback will be taken on board and the next version will be substantially improved, time alone will tell!
Please note that this blog is a reflection of my views and my views alone
As ever happy for anyone to contact me if they have any comments/ queries or views.
Stephanie-Anne Harris
Strategic Development Manager