Writing this feels lovely as I often feel I don’t get a chance to reflect on my work and the path I am on at the moment. I am now two months (where did the time go?!) into the development worker position at the forum, and while it feels like second nature now, I am baffled at the speed this two months has gone in.
Saying this is my first ‘big girl job’ feels appropriate as the development worker position is one I feel incredibly lucky to have obtained. The opportunity to work alongside our fantastic members and a wonderful boss is one I truly cherish and hope I can devote some significant time too going forward. My incredible predecessor, Grace, gave me such a wonderful two weeks of guidance on the role and responsibilities and without that I definitely would have struggled going forward. But here we are, two months gone in a flash!
I think the most prominent thing I have learned in the previous two months is how wonderful the work of those organisation’s residing in the third sector is. I guess when you aren’t looking for it you don’t realise what is there. Now understanding the ongoing efforts, projects and seeing the resilience of the third sector I am blown away at the amazing services that are out there! I am grateful to have been able to meet with most of our members and hear of their efforts, structures and responses to the Covid-19 pandemic. It really fills me with such aspiration to work alongside the organisations and I do hope in the near future to manage to come out in person and see the wonderful work I hear so often of.
My goals for the forum going forward are to continue to find innovative and creative ways to support our organisations, including finding a fun way to connect services, Zoom meetings just don’t capture that coffee and a cake vibe I so long for! And continue my personal development throughout the role, in the previous two months I have had to challenge myself to fully engage in work I have had little prior experience in and while then I barley understood the terminology never mind the message, here I am, two months in and understanding, interrogating and challenging the concepts I am met with in these meetings.
All in all, I am excited for the future of the forum and the paths it may take!