Many of you will know that we have been working with Matter of Focus over the past year to look to provide robust outcome evaluation Forum Members. We have funding available to roll this out into 2019.
You can find more information out here – Matter of Focus – and by coming along to the relevant workshops which we plan to host on the following dates:
1. Tuesday 18 June – Outcomes meeting #1 (9.30-12.30)
2. Thursday 25 July – Outcomes meeting #2 (1.30-4.30)
3. Thursday 22 August – Outcomes meeting #3 (1.30-4.30)
4. Thursday 12 September – Outcomes meeting #4 (1.30-4.30)
5. Wednesday 09 October – Outcomes meeting #5 (9.30-12.30)
Drop us a line if you would like any further information.
Stephanie-Anne and Grace