ECHF 19/20 Annual Report and Accounts
Thank you to our funders, board of trustees, independent examiner and of course our membership for making 2019/20 a fantastic year for the forum. ECHF Annual Report
Edinburgh Community Health Forum
Reducing health inequalities and improving long-term health outcomes for people across Edinburgh
Thank you to our funders, board of trustees, independent examiner and of course our membership for making 2019/20 a fantastic year for the forum. ECHF Annual Report
23rd March 2020 Dear Provider For information I am receiving daily emails seeking assurances about payments and contingencies so I wanted to set minds at ease and confirm that with
On 28th and 29th January I chaired what we have affectionately called our ‘Dragon’s Den;’ a panel of four: Suzanne Lowden (CEC), Liz Simpson (NHS Lothian), Ian Brooke (EVOC) and
For those of you who could not make it to the showcase event on 23rd January, I thought I would capture a short write up of my presentation.
With funding from the EIJB, over the past 6 months, ECHF members have been working together to understand the contribution of their work to improving outcomes for people and communities
The EIJB Innovation Fund is now inviting applications for funding. The purpose of the Innovation Fund is to encourage creative and innovative ideas to tackle and progress the priorities of the Edinburgh
Get in touch with ECHF.
Contact Daniel on daniel@echf.org.uk