During our 2019 AGM we were delighted to welcome Margaret along to talk about her Three Horizons approach within the healthcare setting.
It was an engaging and thought provoking session; contrasting the continually increasing demand on Health and Social Care systems whilst taking stock on what restructuring and efficiencies have been made since c. 2015 and looking forward with the knowledge that there has to be more collaboration and cooperation with the third sector.
She talked through the SHINE work undertaken in 2009 using the model for winter care services in Fife; which uses a personal outcome approach. There is an acknowledgement that the hospital is not the sole ‘community’ by which to interact with a patient. There can be great strides made in decommissioning as well as commissioning services where alternative solutions can be found. For example, there is huge value in enabling an older patient to be able to cook simple meals again (thrive), rather than a meals on wheels service (survive); which can strip them of their abilities and confidence in themselves.
You can find her full slides from the session here:
humanising healthcare edinburgh aug 2019 final
Thank you Margaret for taking time out of your schedule to speak with us.