The Integrated Joint Board Edinburgh or IJB Edinburgh met on the 13th May 2016 to discuss the agenda linked here.
Topics of interest to members of the Lothian Community Health Initiatives Forum included:
- Edinburgh IJB 3-year Communications and Engagement Strategy : this covers high-level aims for communications from the IJB, and includes a succinct strategic overview from page 4, including priorities such as tackling inequalities (see document here)
- Huddle Test of Change : in the move to locality working, Forum members may have heard about the Huddle mode of working, which is designed to bring together various health and statutory partners at daily meetings designed to improve care, and facilitate discharge from hospitals (find out more in the Huddle Test of Change item from the IJB meeting)
- Edinburgh Integrated Joint Board Initial Set of Directions : a lot of details about strategic priorities are to be found in this statement document that all Board’s are required to produce
- Financial Plan : of interest to all parties in Edinburgh will be the latest numbers in the Financial Plan, including intended savings that the IJB is planning to make in the near future – breakdown of numbers etc are contained in this document
All the other agenda items and minutes of the May 2016 Edinburgh IJB meeting are available on the City of Edinburgh Council website.