Edinburgh Integration Joint Board
Grant Programme 2019/22
Receipt of Applications
It has come to our attention that some applicants may not have submitted their application(s) successfully. If you have submitted an application to H&SCGrants@edinburgh.gov.uk and not received an automated e-mail receipt and have evidence to show that you submitted an application, please get in touch with Kate McVie at: kate.mcvie@edinburgh.gov.uk
In your e-mail please include:
- The name of your organisation
- The date and time which you submitted your application
- A copy of the e-mail which accompanied your submission
- The number of applications which you submitted
- The e-mail address it was submitted from
Please do not e-mail us if you have already been in touch regarding this or have received an automated e-mail receipt from H&SCGrants@edinburgh.gov.uk – this may have gone into your junk/bulk folder, please check before contacting us.