The first meeting of the innovation fund working group was hosted by Stephanie-Anne on 9th October.
The meeting was an opportunity to get some first thoughts and ideas as to the new fund; which will make £300,000 available over three years (£100,000 per year). At present there is no criteria set.
The agenda for the initial meeting was as follows:
- Scene setting: what do we mean by an ‘innovation fund’; what outcomes are we wanting to achieve? Priorities?
- Budget for the fund and minimum/maximum award
- Application process e.g.
- 1 stage v 2 stage
- Application form
- Criteria including no of applications
- Guidance notes
- Assessment
- Timeline
You can get a feel for the meeting from the flipchart notes captured from the session:
Full minutes are available here and the group will meet again on 5th November and 5th December, 9.30- 10.30am.
Thanks to all who have contributed so far. If you would also like to be involved going forward, then please contact