A new report which looks at detail int suicide rates of Polish people living in Scotland has just been published.
The Consulate General of Poland in Edinburgh invited Feniks, to organise a series of work meetings to discuss the causes of the problem, the scale of suicides in the context of particular social groups and their effects on social life. Scottish partners from NHS Lothian Mental Health Team, NHS Lothian Public Health, Police Scotland, Choose Life
Edinburgh and Crown Office also participated in the meetings.
Whilst not seeking to over interpret the data considered in the review, there are clear themes which emerge about the cases of Polish nationals who died by suicide or as within Scotland (2012- 2016).
- The picture is a group of males, often in unsteady or no employment and with concerns about money and finances. Individuals often had experience of relationship breakdown, high use of alcohol and lack of opportunities to form or maintain social bonds and relationships.
- The impact of this lack of connectedness, coupled with the reality of structural and economic inequalities, means that individuals were not receiving relevant advice help or support in a timely way.
- This in turn exacerbated the risk factors for low mood, suicidal feelings and thoughts, and risk taking behaviours.
- There is a higher level of suicide in Poland than in Scotland, and the data from these cases suggests that for Polish people in Scotland the rate is higher than for Scottish born individuals.
The full report is available here: A Review of Suicides in Polish People Living in Scotland