General Covid Updates from Judith Proctor (EHSCP)
Below follows internal communications dated 2nd / 3rd April which organisations may find useful.
Edinburgh Community Health Forum
Reducing health inequalities and improving long-term health outcomes for people across Edinburgh
Below follows internal communications dated 2nd / 3rd April which organisations may find useful.
The referral guidelines for the Rivers Centre shown on RefHelp have just been changed – please note that self-referrals are no longer accepted. The correct referral guidelines are as follows:
You can find our November news here: ECHF NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER For any additions to the December news, please drop me an email:
We were delighted to welcome Lena Lorenz (Research Impact Officer at Edinburgh University) to our latest forum meeting to share her work which looks into how the Scottish Health &
We are thrilled to be restarting the next round of Action Learning Sets which will run directly after the next 4 forum meetings. By way of introducing Action Learning Sets,
The EIJB Innovation Fund is now inviting applications for funding. The purpose of the Innovation Fund is to encourage creative and innovative ideas to tackle and progress the priorities of the Edinburgh
Get in touch with ECHF.
Contact Daniel on