What started as a relatively small event to discuss our recent work on Outcomes, ended up being a large event with fifty people at City Chambers, with key stakeholders from NHS Lothian, City of Edinburgh Council, the Edinburgh HSCP and the Scottish Community Development Centre.
We kicked off with a bit of perspective at a national level with regards to the Scottish National Outcomes Framework (where we are leading the way in outcomes work) and then looked briefly at the different levels of outcome: population, programme and personal.
Outcomes are notoriously hard to capture, since we know that multiple factors influence change. We spent time looking at the idea that it is contribution, not attribution which is key to unlocking outcome reporting. Marion Findlay spoke eloquent from the heart to capture this in a few real examples during her ‘behind the numbers’ session to leave the room heartened with the reassuring reminder which we all hold true; that community led work truly does affect real and long term positive change for so many.
There was a great deal of discussion on the date and a lot of feedback gathered, which will be shared as a report shortly. If you have any questions or further feedback then please just drop me an email: grace@echf.org.uk
A particular thanks to all of you who made it along to the event and we share our particular gratitude to those of you who took the time to present your work: Alex (Pilton CHP), Kirsty and Leah (WHALE Arts), Suzanne (the Junction), Cat (Health All Round) and Marion (Volunteer Edinburgh).
You can find the presentation from the day here: ECHF Showcase Slides Jan 2020
Grace Mackenzie