Edinburgh Community Health Forum
Reducing health inequalities and improving long-term health outcomes for people across Edinburgh
Whether you are just starting out involving volunteers or you have been managing volunteers for many years, the aim of VolunteerWiki is to cover a wide range
On Friday 15th March 2019, I attended the IJB’s Strategic Planning Group Meeting. This was the Group’s first meeting of 2019 and its first meeting since the grants were approved
This month I was grateful to be able to work from the Volunteer Edinburgh office (for anyone interested – they have hot desks available) and find out more about the
Guest blog by Kim Sibbald, Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust
I’ve been in my role for 18 months now, can you believe! And although both Stephanie-Anne and I always work with the health inequality agenda always forefront in our mind,
Get in touch with ECHF.
Contact Daniel on daniel@echf.org.uk