IJB Strategic Planning Group Meeting, 15th March
On Friday 15th March 2019, I attended the IJB’s Strategic Planning Group Meeting. This was the Group’s first meeting of 2019 and its first meeting since the grants were approved
Edinburgh Community Health Forum
Reducing health inequalities and improving long-term health outcomes for people across Edinburgh
On Friday 15th March 2019, I attended the IJB’s Strategic Planning Group Meeting. This was the Group’s first meeting of 2019 and its first meeting since the grants were approved
Ella Simpson of EVOC announced last week that they would be providing support to organisations impacted by the Health and Social Care grants proposals. (See https://www.evoc.org.uk/updates/ella-simpson-evoc-statement-on-eibj-grant-programme-results/ )
The third meeting of the innovation working group was facilitated by Stephanie-Anne Harris this week.
While some improvements have been made to the delivery of health and social care services, Integration Authorities, councils and NHS boards need to show a stronger commitment to collaborative working
The second meeting of the innovation fund working group was held in City Chambers today, chaired by Stephanie-Anne Harris. The group aims to deliver a working process in order to
Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Grant Programme 2019/22 Receipt of Applications It has come to our attention that some applicants may not have submitted their application(s) successfully. If you have submitted
Get in touch with ECHF.
Contact Daniel on daniel@echf.org.uk